  ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DOLLAR AND MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUND INVESTMENT After our recent seminar on investment, a lot of participants have contacted me to write on the subject for easy reference. Thus, today we'll be focusing on money market and dollar mutual fund investments. Money market investments are short-term, highly liquid assets that provide a safe place to park cash. Dollar mutual funds, on the other hand, invest in a variety of short-term debt securities issued by the U.S. government, corporations, and municipalities. WHYSHOULD YOU CONSIDER INVESTING YOUR FUNDS? Investing your funds can potentially offer several benefits. Firstly, it allows your money to grow over time through the power of compounding. By putting your money into various investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, or real estate, you have the opportunity to earn returns that exceed traditional savings account interest rates. Secondly, investing helps you hedge against inflation. Over time, the purch...

Simple Steps on How to get rid of black spots, dark spots, acne marks, pimple scars on face

Are the dark spots, scars, acne marks and the uneven skin tone making you feel too embarrassed to interact with people in your peer group? Tired of using cosmetic products to cover those dark spots? Do not worry; we have come up with a list of home remedies that can help you to remove these dark spots quickly.

Dark spots are primarily caused by zits, acne, blemishes and black heads. The percentage of dark spots can increase with increased exposure to the sun. So, apply sunscreen, every time you go out and follow the home remedies below in order to get relief from dark spots.
Instead of using the chemical products for your skin, try using some natural home remedies. Using home remedies can work out to be much cheaper than chemical based products and they can help treat your condition without any side effects. Caring for your skin is highly important. Here are some home remedies that allow your skin to be free of dark spots, black spots, pimple marks or even acne scars.

Tomato for erasing dark spots

Take a medium sized tomato and squeeze the juice from it, add one tablespoon of lemon juice to the tomato juice and stir the mixture well. Apply on the face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse the face with warm water.

Aloe Vera to treat black spots

collect the pulp from Aloe Vera leaves and let it dry in the sun for 5 minutes and then add few drops of lemon juice to the dried pulp. Apply this mixture on the face and wash it off after 15 minutes. The results are quite good.

Onions to lighten acne marks

Onions have anti-microbial properties and they help remove the acne related scars and spots. Take an onion and cut it into several pieces, grind them and then, separate the juice from the smashed onions. Apply this mixture on the affected areas of the skin; allow the mixture to remain on the skin for a few minutes and then rinse off with water.

Sandalwood for erasing pimple scars and dark spots

Mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder with a few drops of rose water and apply it onto the spots or the entire face. Make sure to prepare a runny paste with sandalwood and rose water so that it takes time to dry out.Wash it off only after it dries.

Turmeric and lemon juice for acne marks

Take a pinch of turmeric powder and add some lemon juice to it. Mix both the ingredients well and dab the mixture on the black spots. This pack can work very effectively to reduce marks on the skin and the results will be visible on the skin within a week’s time if you use this treatment daily.

Potato juice and honey for dark spots

Take a small potato and grate it; mix it with some honey and dab onto the dark spots. You can also apply the pack to your whole face.Wash the pack with plain water after 15 minutes. You can also rub the potato slices directly over the dark spots, leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off. Squeezing out the juice of potato and then using it directly onto the spots can also be effective.

A handy homemade concoction to remove scars & dark spots from the skin

Prepare a solution for the dark spots with handy items available in home. Take one tablespoon of onion juice, one tablespoon of garlic juice, half tablespoon of vinegar and mix them properly. Apply this combination onto the dark spots and rub for few minutes. Rinse with chilled water after 20 minutes. It is easy to reduce the dark spots gradually by regularly using this mixture. The vitamins and the Sulphur contents of onions and the allicin from garlic have anti-fungal and anti-aging properties and they also soothe the skin.

Lemon juice for erasing dark spots

Lemon contains astringents and Vitamin C; it also removes the toxins from the body when consumed with warm water. So, use lemon to remove the dark spots on the skin. Squeeze out the extract of lemon and apply it on the dark spots with the help of cotton balls. The best results will be yielded when the application is repeated on every second day.

Cucumber & milk for treating dark marks

Grate some cucumber and add milk to it along with some lime extract. Mix all the ingredients together to form a paste and apply the paste onto the affected area of the skin. This face pack is rejuvenating and you can also use it all over your face. Let it set for 10 minutes and then wash off with water.

Papaya a sure shot remedy for dark spots

Papaya contains enzymes that can be very helpful to fade the dark spots over time. Use ripe papaya pulp on the skin. Apply the pulp of papaya directly onto the spot and leave it on for 15 minutes. You can also rub the spot with the papaya pulp. Rinse off with cold water.

Buttermilk for fading marks and spots

The lactic acid in buttermilk contains alpha hydroxyl acid. Since this is a natural acid, it is good for the skin. Buttermilk helps to remove the excess oil and the dirt on the skin along with any dead skin cells, making the skin tone lighter. Take buttermilk in a small bowl and dip a cotton ball in it. Apply it on the dark spots. If possible, you can use lemon juice with buttermilk in equal amounts and apply as a face mask.

Vitamin E oil for skin marks and spots

Vitamin E oil is the best antioxidant which is used for healing wounds. So, mix the vitamin E oil with some castor oil. Apply this mixture onto the dark spots and leave on. You can wipe off the oil with a moist cotton ball after 20 minutes. Finally wash off with water.

Oats for treating those black spots

Oats is not only a good food but it also works as a medicine to treat black spots, acne marks, or pimple scars on the face. You can apply an oatmeal face mask regularly in order to get rid of the dark spots on your face. Prepare a paste using oatmeal and lemon juice. Apply this paste onto the spots and scrub it gently. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Follow the procedure twice every week for best results.

Drink lots of water to fade the spots quickly


Drinking plenty of water can help you to remove dark spots on the face. Drink at least 6 – 8 glasses of water every day. This removes the extra toxins from the body while hydrating the skin, which can be very helpful to boost the natural skin rejuvenation process and to fade the dark spots quickly.

Raw milk to lighten spots

Milk lightens the facial spots. The lactic acid present in milk soothes and calms the skin. Apply cold raw milk on face. Dip a cotton ball into the milk and apply it all over the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off with mildly warm water. Do this every day in the morning for best results.

Milk and kesar for spot lightening

Soak a few strands of kesar in 2 spoons of raw milk overnight. Keep the container in the fridge to ensure that the milk is not spoiled. In the morning crush the kesar strands in the milk and apply the resulting mixture onto your face, concentrating on the dark spots and acne marks. Let it get dry completely and then wash off with normal water. Follow this treatment daily and you can see results in a week.

Red lentils and milk for acne mark removal

Another effective spot removal treatment can be prepared from the red lentils (masoor dal) and milk. Soak 1 tablespoon of washed and cleaned red lentils in raw milk overnight. In the morning grind it with the milk to make a grainy paste. Rub in this paste onto your face with light hands. Leave on for 20 minutes and then again scrub your face with wet hands and finally wash off with lukewarm water.  Do it twice a week, you can see results in 15 days.

Yogurt with honey for erasing dark spots

Yogurt is filled with enzymes that can reduce any spot and honey is a natural bleaching agent. Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt with 2 spoons of honey. Apply this paste onto your face, specially concentrating on the dark spots. Let the pack set for 20 minutes and then wash off with water rubbing your face with your hands. Use this treatment daily for best results.

Castor oil for lightening marks on the face

Castor oil has great healing properties and it can help immensely in removing dark spots. Clean the skin of the affected area properly and then massage castor oil on the skin for 5 minutes. Leave it on for another 20 minutes and before removing it with wet cotton ball once again massage it onto the skin for 5 minutes. Finally wash off with water. Use this treatment twice a day to see visible results in a month.

Horseradish for removing those dark spots

Horseradish is believed to be very effective in removing dark spots and even freckles from the skin. So collect some horseradish, grate it to make a smooth paste and apply it onto the affected area of the skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash off with water. Use this treatment at least 2 times a day and within a month you are sure to see improvements.

Redcurrant and honey for erasing black spots

Redcurrant is a member of the gooseberry family and it is believed to be effective to lighten the accumulated melanin on the dark spots. Take few redcurrants, smash them and mix with 1 spoon of honey, which is a natural bleaching agent. Apply this pack onto your face concentrating on the black spots. Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash off with water. Follow the treatment daily to get best results.

Fuller’s earth with lemon juice for lightening skin spots

Fuller’s earth includes a number of natural minerals and it has the property of lightening the skin tone over time. Make a paste of fuller’s earth and water. Add a few drops of lemon juice to this paste and apply it onto the marks. Leave on until the pack gets dry. If you are applying the pack all over your face, then you should not let it get dry completely. Wash off with plenty of water rubbing your face with your hands.

Grapes and apple for facial spot reduction

Grapes and apples both come with a number of natural vitamins and acids, which work to exfoliate the skin, reducing the amount of melanin. Take one small cube of apple, smash it and mix it with two green grapes. Do not discard the skins. Apply this pack onto your face, focusing on the spots. You can actually massage your skin lightly with this pack. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash off with water. Use this pack daily to see results in a month.

Liquorice for erasing dark spot on the skin

Liquorice has been known for its high efficiency to reduce the melanin on the skin. Liquorice roots can be very effective to reduce any dark spot. Make a paste of liquotice roots and mix it with a few drops of honey. Apply this paste onto the spots that you want to remove. Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash off with water. You should follow this treatment once in a day and you are expected to see visual improvements in a week or two. Before using liquorice on face, it is best suggested to do a patch test.
No one can beat the efficiency of home remedies no matter what the source of problem(s) is. These homemade recipes can literally do wonders when it comes to treating skin problems, like black spots and blemishes. Let’s discover some of the best home remedies for making the dark spots go away.

Sweet almond oil for treating acne marks and scars

Sweet almond oil is a skin nourishing ingredient that is rich in Vitamin E and other anti-oxidants. Using Sweet almond oil regularly on the marks and scars on the face can be effective to get rid of those spots. This oil nourishes the skin and boosts the self-regeneration process of the skin cells, which naturally helps in erasing the spots and marks.


Simply apply the oil onto the spots when you are home and massage it lightly into the skin. Leave on for 30 minutes and then remove any excess with a light wipe of a cotton ball. You should use this treatment at least twice a day.

Pineapple juice is an effective spot treatment

Pineapple juice can work very efficiently to remove any spot or scar on the face. It is rich with vitamin C and anti-oxidants that can help in skin peeling and will promote cell regeneration. Prepare fresh pineapple juice from a cube of pineapple and apply it directly onto the spot. Rub lightly with your finger tip and then leave on for 20 minutes before washing off with water. Apply twice daily for best results.

Nutmeg and Milk for scar treatment on face

For sensitive skin, this treatment can be most effective. Nutmeg has natural skin healing properties and it controls excess melanin production on the skin, which naturally helps in spot and scar reduction. Add 1/2 spoon of nutmeg powder with sufficient amount of milk to make a runny paste. Apply this paste onto the spots. Let it get dry and then apply another layer. Apply 4-5 layers of this pack and then let it get dry completely before washing off with water.

Baking soda for acne scar and spot removal

If your skin is not very sensitive you can surely try out this treatment to get rid of scars and marks quickly. Baking soda exfoliates the skin quickly, which helps in healing the scars and spots. Take a little of baking soda on a container. Add sufficient water with it to make a thin paste. Apply it directly onto the spot and rub lightly. Leave on for 5 minutes and then wash off. You should use this remedy only for spot treatment.

Olive oil for fading black spots quickly

Olive oil is a great source of vitamin E and due to its molecular structure it is easily absorbed into the skin. Olive oil does a great job in nourishing the skin which naturally helps in healing the scars. You can use olive oil to erase pimple scars even on the most sensitive skin. Just make sure that you apply it on well cleansed face. Apply the oil directly onto the spot and massage it lightly. Leave on for 20 minutes and then remove the excess with a fresh cotton ball.

Shea butter for treating acne marks and spots

Shea butter is a natural skin nourishing ingredient. The molecular structure of shea butter is very close to the natural sebum produced by the skin and hence it is absorbed into the skin very easily. Shea butter nourishes the skin and helps it to gain its natural regenerative power. Applying shea butter regularly and religiously onto the acne spots and scars can be really helpful to get rid of those unwanted marks. Apply it twice a day on cleansed face.

Fenugreek seed solution for acne marks on face

Fenugreek seeds are well known for their effectiveness in giving an even toned complexion. You can use these seeds for dulling the acne marks as well. Boil two spoons of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes.  Now let it cool for some time and then smash it to paste. Apply this paste onto the spots and massage gently with your fingers for 3-5 minutes. Leave on for 10 more minutes and then wash off with water.

Egg white for treating dark acne spots

Egg white is often used as a natural remedy for getting rid of dark spots. The white of an egg helps in exfoliation of the skin and also promotes skin healing by supplying nourishment to the skin. Take an egg, separate the white and beat it. Apply it directly onto the spot and leave on for 2 minutes. Now apply one more layer and let it dry. Continue layering for 3-4 times and then let it get dry completely. Peel or rub off the layers of egg white and then wash off with water. You can use this remedy twice a day.

Some tips for using home remedies to treat marks and spots on the skin

  • Any mark, spot or even scar on the skin can be treated effectively with proper home remedies but the treatments show their best actions when they are started early. So, if you have got a pimple mark on your face recently, start using one of the suitable home remedies as mentioned above as soon as the pimple dries out. This will ensure that you will get the best effects of the treatment within a week.
  • Home remedies like Sandalwood, licorice, turmeric can be effective to lighten even the old set marks and spots on the skin, but in this case the treatments might take months to show some results even when used religiously.
  • The effectiveness of the home remedies depend to a great extent on your particular type of skin and also your age. The regenerative capacity of the skin is reduced with age and hence lightening a mark or spot with home remedies might take more time in case of aged people compared to the young generation.
  • Home remedies can show effective results in lightening and removing any kind of marks or scars on the skin, but it is really important to use them religiously and exactly according to the prescribed way for a long period of time to get the best results.
  • The best thing about the home remedies is that they have no side effects and they do not strain your pocket.
  • It
    1. I like all the tips it was very simple and effective ... i eagerly waiting for another post thanks for sharing keep sharing more!!!

      best dermatologist in madurai

      1. I'm glad you like the tips. Sure more are coming.


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